We were back to the office by mid morning. I hooked up the truck and trailer and drove down to the sisters apartment at the Oaks of Wimbledon. There were some issues with their old apartment so we are moving them to a different building in the same complex. There were 6 elders from their district to help so the move went well. After we moved I took them all to lunch, which they enjoy. After I got back to the office Allen Smith (my cousin's husband) stopped by to see us. They leave to go back to Utah tomorrow. After work we we decorated cookies and fixed other little treats for the dinner at the temple tomorrow night.
Tuesday we were at the office by just after 7 AM as it is transfer week. Even though we only have 3 new missionaries coming in there were several missionaries being transferred. Lots of missionaries in the office all day. I drove the transfer van down to the Bear Creek and Mills Road chapels after the van got back from College Station. I got back in time for the departing testimonies. Elder Thomson (was an AP), Elde
r Lindsey, and Elder Woodruff and Sisters Hastings and Sorensen are all going home. It is sad to see them go, such wonderful young men and women. We left work a bit early to get up to the temple and set up for dinner. We enjoy doing that, but it does make for a very long day. Very windy and cold today.
Wednesday there was frost on the cars when we went out to go to the office. We left early again this morning this time to drive up to the mission home. All the departing missionaries and the AP meet there for breakfast. We picked up Elder Thomson and drove him to the airport because the other missionary's flights left later. We will miss him. Turns out his flight was delayed to Minn/St Paul and so he missed his flight to Hawaii. I know his folks
were disappointed. Thanks goodness there was a member of the church working the airline counter that made sure they got him a hotel and meals, otherwise they were going to do nothing for him.
The new missionaries arrived this afternoon. Also Elder Barton returned with them. He went home several months ago to have his foot operated on. Glad he has returned. When the APs brought the van and trailer back to the office they said the trailer came off the hitch at the airport. Elder Stringfellow and I worked to see if we could get the trailer to disengage from the van, but if connected correctly we just could not make it happen. I did drill a hole through the hitch latch and put a pin in it. I also went through the proper hook up procedure (again) to make sure they understand the whole process. Hopefully we have solved the problem. Another long but wonderful day.
Thursday we are up early again and up to the mission home to have breakfast ready for the new missionaries and their trainers. We fix bacon, sausage, french toast, home made syrup, fruit, and juice. There is always plenty to eat.
President Hansen announces the new companionship's, I take photos of the new missionaries and the Hansens to send to the parents and also photos of the new missionaries, their trainers and the Hansens for the history. Then they all go to the temple. Back to the office, I hooked up the trailer and truck and went to the store to pick up the remainder of the beds we purchased, then back to the office to unload the beds in the garage. I then drove up to the temple to meet Elders Foster and Reidhead and drove them to their area in Huntsville. On the way back I stopped in Conroe, purchased a small table at WalMart and delivered it to the Elders at the Autumn Wood Apartments. Lots of miles on the road and another long day, but so thankful we can do what we are asked to do - what a blessing.
Friday we were in the office early again. I loaded up cleaning supplies, a vacuum and empty boxes and headed down to Village in the Woods Apartment complex. We moved the elders out a few months ago thinking we may be back, but it appears we are just closing down that area so we needed to clean out the apartment. The Zone Leaders and 4 other elders came by to help me. They loaded the furniture in the trailer and helped clean up the apartment. I worked on the oven as it was real bad. Did not take long to get it all done. As the missionaries were waiting for me to finish checking the place out I noticed one ZL had engaged the Comcast repair man working next door in a gospel conversation. It was fun to watch him be such a good missionary. I signed a new lease at the Discoll Place Apts. Back at the office there were lots of my files that needed updating since the most recent transfers.
Leona drove to the temple at about 11am to help set up lunch for the three mission presidents in Houston and their wives, Elder Gifford Nielson and his wife and the temple president and his wife. They had done a session at 10am and were eating lunch at 12:30pm. Leona had called a lady who caters (Sister Sevy) and asked her about a month ago if she could fix the lunch. It was held in the temple cafeteria with glass dishes and fresh flowers. Sister Sevy served spinach salad with pear slices, cranraisins and candied nuts. Then beef tenderloin, carrott souffle', mashed potatoes (that were very different and good - Leona wishes she had the recipe) and green been almondine and homemade rolls. For dessert she had three things on each plate: small bite size carrott cake, choc souffle and a large strawberry dipped in chocolate. It was very nice and enjoyed by all. Sister Sevy had done alot of work. Mission presidents and area authority seventy eat different than plain missionaries!
Saturday we went into the office for a few hours. I have lots to catch up on so I am ready for next week and apartment inspections. We did some shopping and put out some Christmas decorations in the apartment. It looks like Christmas now! It was cool and breezy today, with lots of sunshine.
Sunday morning was very cool. I suppose it was in the 30's last night. Lots of real good testimonies in sacrament meeting today. Our priesthood meeting got off track as one member is so loud and negative with almost every thing he says. This evening we drove to Kingwood, one of the stakes there has the cultural hall nicely decorated with about two hundred different nativity desplays. They had dark blue fabric hanging against the walls as a backdrop painted with outlines of old world villages. The ceiling was draped with white fabric and strans of white lights. It was very beautiful. We were touched by the music and spirit we felt there, the true meaning of Christmas. There was a small framed nativity picture with the words "We all need a stable beginning" - how true that is.
Have a great week. We love you
Mom and Dad
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