Doug Taber from our ward back home is in Houston teaching a cla
ss at one of the universities. He came by this evening and had a bowl of soup with us. It was fun to catch up on his family and the "new" ward back home.
Tuesday I started apartment inspections again, most looked good. Elder Herrman made cookies for me to take back to the office and Sisters Maxwell and Ferro left me a little bag of treats - apartment inspections can be quit rewarding. I had to take the truck in as it was not starting very well today - just needed a new battery. Leona is making carmel/chocolate covered pretzels for each missionary so I leave them at the apartments as I inspect them.
Wednesday I drove up to Huntsville, Conroe, Montgomery, and the Woodlands doing apartment inspections. I will put lots of miles on the truck this week. When I got back to the office I had a list of supplies to get at WalMart. As I was getting a box down from a high shelf at WalMart it slipped right through my hands and hit me square on the fore head. The edge of the heavy box cut my fore head and for a minute I thought I was going to lose my balance. The box really gave me a whack, I guess shopping can be hazardous to your health.
Thursday I went to College Station, Brenham, and Waller inspecting apartments - over 220 miles. Most of the trees in that area have lost their leaves so the country side is rather drab, but I enjoy seeing the large ranches and farms. At Elder Hiatt's apartment he had left me a note thanking Sister Walker and I for all our work and all we do for the missionaries. He is a very thoughtful young man, we miss him in the office.
Friday I started out with my jacket on as it was cool again, but by the afternoon it had really warmed up. I went out inspecting apartments again today. They all looked good except one was a real mess. I stopped by the office of one of the apartments to sign a lease renewal - I have a few more to sign before the month is over. The apartment assistant manager was telling me how good the "boys" were, how respectful and polite they were. It is always good to hear such kind words about our missionaries. President Hansen asked about our family in our interview with him this morning. We talked about each of you and mentioned that David & Raquel were looking for work and graduate school. He offered to send David's resume to people he knew in this area that have connections with accounting functions. As he closed our interview with prayer he offered a really wonderful blessing on David, by name. It was a very touching experience for us. President Hansen is a wonderful mission president.
Saturday I ran a few errands and got my hair cut and Leona cleaned the apartment and did the laundry. I got a call from the Elders at one of our Katy apartments - he thinks he has bed bugs. I loaded up a new bed, some permethalin and headed down to their apartment - about 45 minutes from our place. Elder Griffiths was very thankful that I was able to help out so quickly. When I asked how long there had been an issue his reply was "a few weeks". Anyway I hope we get the issue handled before it becomes a real infestation.
This evening we loaded up the van with senior missionaries (Thomas, Stringfellows, us and Sister Young) and we headed to Conroe, about 20 or so minutes north of us. We ate dinner at Ryan's Restaurant and then went to the Spring Stake Choir's Christmas Concert. The choir really did an outstanding job. They have an excellent group of very good singers. The music was very inspiring. A really great evening. The day started out very warm, but the wind blew most all evening and turned off cool.
Sunday we had really fine sacrament speakers. We enjoy going to church and are getting to know more people all the time. This has been another very busy week for us, but we enjoy what we are doing so much. It is such a blessing to be missionaries and we are thankful to be here.
Mom & Dad
<-- picture of Spencer and his "gingerbread" house
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