Tuesday I was out inspecting apartments again. I checked the apartments close to the mission office. Had a bit of an issue with one apartment where we have four elders and a "few broken windows", but all in all the apartments are in good shape.
Wednesday we went to College Station to check apartments and to sign a new apartment lease. Leona went with me. College Station is a little over 1 1/2 hours away. I was nice to have the company. There are still lots of wild flower
s along the road and every thing is so green now - a very pleasant drive. While we were in College Station (home of Texas A&M University) we looked up Dan and Ruth Barbie who were our neighbors in Saudi Arabia. Dan was home so we visited with him for an hour or so. It was fun to catch up with them and their kids. They had two kids, Scott and Carol - both are married and have kids of their own.
When we got back to the apartment we were locked out as the maintenance man had broken his key off in the door and they had to replace the lock. Of course, they forgot to leave the new keys in our mail box and since we did not get back home until after the office had closed, we had to wait for the after hours guy to show up and retrieve our new keys. We finally got into our apartment at about 7pm. What a beautiful day, very cool this early morning in the low 50's.
Thursday I hooked the trailer and truck up and helped the elders get a sofa and love seat from a members home for their apartment. Worked on more paper work in the office the rest of the day.
Friday I drove out to Magnolia to inspect a newly renovated apartment and sign a new 12 month lease. The owners had really fixed the place up. I'm sure the elders will be excited to move back in. I have inspected all the apartments now for this cycle. This evening we picked up Jessica and Renae at the Hobby Airport south of Houston. So thankful to have them with us for a visit. It was much warmer and more humid today.
Saturday we visited the farmers market which is always a colorful sight. We also went to the Galleria shopping center which is not far from our old apartment. We went to lunch at a salad and soup place then came home. We had the senior missionaries here in the apartment complex over for ice cream and to meet Jessica and Renae. It was fun to visit with them for awhile.
Renae is such a good baby she hardly ever cries. She was good at church today. The fast and testimony meeting was very good. The new bishopric had put a note in the bulletin today stating what a testimony should be. I think the members really tried to follow the counsel. It has been fun to have fam
ily here. Renae is just like Luke was at this age, long and thin. So thankful they could come to visit.
We pray for you each day. What a great blessing you all are in our life. We are so thankful to be serving this mission, we feel it is such a great privilege.
We love you
Dad and Mom
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