For FHE this evening the senior missionaries did a pot luck stir fry. It was very good. We enjoyed a great visit together.
Tuesday we were up and on t
he road by 6:30 to College Station for Zone Conference. The leaves are coming out on the trees and the grass is getting green - just a very pleasant drive of about 1 hour and 45 minutes. Elder Stringfellow and I do short vehicle and apartment training at the beginning of the meeting. President and Sister Hansen always do a great job. Their subject is from the simplified curriculum of Preach My Gospel - Revelation through Church Attendance. A wonderful perspective on keeping the sabbath day holy and why we (children of Israel) must remember that covenant. The AP's always do a good job of teaching. Elder Galbriath is especially a gifted teacher. The RS always does a great job with lunch. We left to come back to the office after lunch was cleaned up. This evening after dinner we went back to the office as Leona wanted to get some bills paid. A great day to be a missionary.
Wednesday we drove down to the Longebough building for Zone Conference. Not as far as yesterday, only about 45 minutes west on FM 1960. President Hansen did not talk about the sabbath day, but said how he appreciated how Elder Walker always teaches the "doctrine of apartments" using the scriptures. He then proceeded to teach how we can solve our challenges, by teaching the following concept. If we understand the doctrine and form a strategy, then like Nephi (1Ne 4:6-15) we will act even if the strategy is not 100% complete or known, we then become doers of the word (James 1:22) and receive the blessing/answers to our challenges (D&C130:20-21). It was a wonderful lesson and you could feel and see how he was being lead by the Spirit the whole time. A great experience for us all.
We did not stay for lunch as we wanted to get back to the welfare complex for the re-dedication of the peanut butter cannery. What a great event that was. Elder Nielsen, an area 70, and one of the Stake RS Presidents spoke. There were government, community, law enforcement, and media representatives there. The meeting was held in the new addition, which houses the new
peanut roaster and the 2000 lb bags of shelled peanuts. They had refreshments that were made from peanuts/peanut butt
er, including sandwich wraps, smoothie drinks and dips and hot sauce -they were just outstanding - if you like peanut butter this was the place to be. The visitors were given tours of the Bishop's Storehouse, and donned hairnets and were able to go in where the peanut butter is made and bottled and boxed for shipment. The Church allows the Houston Food Bank and their corporate volunteers to make peanut butter one day a week. That has been a great project with wide spread community impact. Peanut butter is the single most requested food item of the Food Bank. The President of that organization made a special presentation to the Church and the Cannery Manager. He said that they have identified young children who are poor and hungry in 200 schools and they fix "boxes" for them to take home on the weekend and the peanut butter is the main item and the favorite item. He said this past Christmas he received an email from a school teacher. She told how the children in her class were excited for the Christmas break all but one who seemed worried. She questioned the young student if there was something wrong. This young child was worried and began to cry about being hungry through the holiday, there would be no "boxes". This little child was not excited about Christmas or not having to go to school, he was worried about being hungry. We are so blessed. What a great missionary tool this dedication was, we truely felt the Spirit in abundance. It was a real blessing to be a part of this wonderful day.
Thursday and another MD Anderson day. I had my last BCG treatment for this series. All went well. I just stayed at the apartment and drank and disposed of LOTS of water.
Friday I stayed at home again. I was up every half hour to 45 minutes last night. I feel fair, just tired. I worked on our taxes all day. That is enough to make anyone ill. We went for a short walk this evening as I am feeling a bit better.
Saturday I feel a whole lot better. Went into the office for awhile, washed the car and ran a few errands. We went to Sam's, Krogers, and then to Al Waidi's for an early dinner. Much more warm and humid today. I guess summer is just about here.
Sunday, it was Fast and Testimony meeting today and the Spirit was strong, many heart-felt testimonies were shared. Brother and Sister Johnson, Brother Johnson's sister and her husband, and Sister Johnson's son and his wife came for dinner this evening. Brother and Sister Johnson have been so good to us, we have been in their home many times this past year to share a meal with them. Anyway, they will be leaving tomorrow they have sold their home and are moving to Spanish Fork, Utah. We enjoyed our visit with them, they will be missed.
We are to another Sunday evening, the weeks pass by quickly. We love our mission. We are so thankful for this great blessing.
We hope that you each have a wonderful week. Tell your eternal companion "I love you" at least twice each day. Give each one of our perfect beautiful grandchildren a hug and kiss from Grandpa and Grandma Walker! We love you. Be safe.
Mom and Dad