Tuesday Elder Stringfellow went with me to deliver a package to the South mission. I introduced him to the Dunnings (from American Fork), and the Rogers (from Highland), who are the office couples for their mission. On the way back to our office I dropped Elder Stringfellow off at a car repair shop to pick up one of our mission cars that needed repaired after a deer ran into the side of the car - only about $6000 worth of damage, but the deer paid the ultimate price. When I got back to the office I hooked up the trailer and headed up to Tomball; two Elders were moving from Tomball, back to Magnolia. I took the 4 elders out to lunch following the move which they really enjoy. This evening we had Elder
s Lindsay, Struthers, Smith and L. Hansen over for supper. They live in the apartment complex next to ours. Their lesson on Abinadi was a good reminder to do what we are asked by the Lord to do regardless of the consequences - He will always bless us in the way we need.
Wednesday Sisters Maylett and Donkin came into the office for some supplies. I arranged to meet them back at their apartment with the desk that I had repaired. They were happy to get it back, but were surprised that I was able to salvage it (the elders had dropped it when we moved last week). Leona went with me and we took the Sisters out to lunch as it was Siste
r Maylet's birthday. While at their apartment they said their vacuum was broken. So I checked it out, replaced the broken belt and it worked like a charm. They are very good missionaries and we enjoyed our time with them. More office work this afternoon. I also got tired of the yard tool mess in the garage, so I went over to the peanut butter factory construction project, salvaged a 2X6 and mounted it to the garage wall and hung the yard tools up. The days go by so fast, as we stay busy doing our "missionary work".
Thursday I drove down to the apartment complex that we moved sisters out off last week. The lease is not up, so we continue to pay. I met with the apartment manager and talked her into doing a walk through of the apartment (the sisters did a really great job of cleaning out the apartment) and in letting me turn in the keys. Normally they will not do either of those things until the lease is complete, but that is not until Dec. 31. Anyway it worked out better than I expected. The rest of the afternoon was spent getting office supplies, picking up another repaired mission car, printing tabs for new missionary binders and working on photos of missionaries that arrive in February. The weather sure has been nice, with little humidity the highs of 85 are not so bad and the evening are very pleasant.
Friday we had our staff meeting with President and Sister Hansen, the AP's and the office staff. Pres Hansen always brings such a good spirit to our meetings with his words and actions. He talked about being lost and the feelings of fear and anxiety that you have. He talked about the miners in Chile who were rescured this week after being trapped for more than two months. What great reunions they had with loved ones! The whole world has rejoiced with them. He then told us we were on a rescue, bringing the eternal blessings of the gospel to others who are searching. It was a great thought - lots to think about and apply. I believe it was President Monson who stood in a meeting with the Seventy and his talk was simply "Who have you rescued today?" and then sat down. We should always be mindful of others and the examples we are setting of love and service for we are all missionaries.
I drove the Stringfellows and Sister Walker down by the 290 & Beltway 8 area to a Chevy dealer to pick up three new mission cars. I then drove over to an apartment complex that had sent us a "2nd Overdue Notice". As soon as the young apartment manager saw me walk in he said "I knew you would come", but do not worry it was our mistake that the utility bills did not get sent out" (we had not got the 1st overdue notice!). Anyway it is nice to know that they know the church always pays the bills and that they could "bank" on that.
Sisters Billingsley and B. Young wanted to go out to dinner this evening so we took them out to the "Potato Patch". It is a good place for "home cooked" meals and hot rolls. We enjoyed the evening with them.
Saturday we loaded up the van with us, the Stringfellows and Sisters, Billingsley and B. Young and drove down to Traders Village. It has to be one of the biggest "flea marke
ts" in permanent buildings ever. It was fun to see all the people looking for bargains and stuff you just can not live without! I did get a Texas cowboy hat to cover my poor balding head. Then we drove to the El Taqueria Rey for the best fish tacos in town (love that place). Then off to the big farmers market on Airline road. We got a couple of pumpkins for the metal "spider - pumpkin holders" Christine sent us. They look real nice in our apartment. After getting our fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc and all the fun of seeing the various "south of the border" stuff we drove up to the Flying Saucer Pie company. I enjoy the pie place way too much! We enjoyed our day together. I was able to get us from one place to the other without a GPS or looking at the map. I guess I am getting to know my way around (so what are you waiting for - come and visit us).
Sunday the senior missionaries in our apartment complex went to the Klein Stake conference. Elder Marlin K. Jensen of the Seventy was presiding. What a wonderful meeting it was. The stake choir was very good. The 9 year old girl and priest age boy who spoke really did an excellent job. The young girl spoke for several minutes with no notes. Sister Jensen spoke about not judging others. She told about a man who had bought a home near theirs. She said it was a lovely home and he was a paraplegic (wounded in Vietnam). Anyway, she began to judge and say things about him like - why did he need to play his music so loud? Why did he fence his front yard and move his horses to the front yard instead of keeping them in the back? Why was there always alot of people going and coming all the time and they did not look the best? Anyway, time went on and one day as the Jensen family had gathered for a Thanksgiving dinner she received a phone call from the Bishop asking her if she would check on this neighbor because he had no food and needed help. She fixed a plate of dinner and delivered it to him. As she visited with him she asked what he did all day to occupy his time and he explained he loved to listen to music and he hoped that he wasn't disturbing anyone for he loved to hear it throughout his home. He explained how he loved to watch his horses and since he had a better view out the front windows of his home that is why he had put up the fence and moved them to the front. He said that it was hard for him to find and keep good help and some of the people who came to help him didn't look the very best. By the time Sister Jensen left she was humbled by how she had been wrongfully judging her neighbor. It was a reminder for us not to judge others. Elder Jensen told us to be careful to not let our testimonies grow weak, we will need them to be strong. He said there will be those who will try to shake our faith. He said he knows what he knows by 1)observing ("by their fruits ye shall know them), by 2)experiencing (live it and then you will know it - ie word of wisdom, etc), and by 3) knowing (by the Holy Ghost). What a blessing we have to know the truth and the promised blessing that may be ours. The Church is true, I know it is. May we ever be faithful to what we know, by how we act and what we do.
Have a great week. We love you.
Dad and Mom
1 comment:
Uncle Steven and Aunt Leona,
I do enjoy reading these weekly since we found your blog. This writing was particularly touching and a good reminder to not judge. It's true we are often wrong with a first, maybe even second, impression. Glad things are going well.
Darin and Diane
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