Wednesday was another office day. I did go out to one of our apartment complexes and sign a lease for another 12 months. Leona & I took the AP's (Elders Hiatt and
Brady) and Elders Martin and Whittaker to lunch at Pappasitos as they (Whittaker and Brady) are going home next week. Their apartment was also being renovated today so they were "homeless" for the day. Elder Chesnut and I rode over to Elders Hiatt, Brady, Whittaker, and Martins apartment to check out the new paint and carpet. The elders were excited to have a "new" place and it did look real nice. I stopped by the apartment office to thank the manager for getting the work done. She was not having a good day so when I thanked her she really seemed to appreciate a kind word.
Thursday after our staff prayer I hooked up the truck and trailer and drove to Cypresswood Apartments. We moved the 4'some into a different apartment in a different building. It was real hot and humid. I was wringing wet and I didn't do any lifting. The elders worked hard and cleaned up the old apartment real well. After they moved and we "checked" out of the old apartment I asked what their schedules were and if they had time to eat lunch with me. They could not get their missionary attire on fast enough! It was fun to visit with them as we ate at Jack in the Box - not my choice!
President Hansen asked me to give a thought in our staff meeting today. I read a couple of short paragraphs in the Bible dictionary on prayer (good thoughts to consider if your prayer seem a bit rote). Anyway we had a good discussion on prayer and many shared experiences of their prayers being answered. Sister Hansen told a story about her grandmother who was a nurse during World War II. The men were badly wounded and the doctors had done all they could but they were still in great pain. As she would would check them they would ask if she could help them, she would say that there was nothing more medically that she could do but then she would say to them "you can pray". The wounded soldier would say "I do not know how" she would answer - "I will help you, you just repeat what I say" they then would say a prayer together. When their prayer was finished, the soldier would thank her and say that he felt better. Sister Hansen said that after that when her grandmother would walk into the hospital tent soldiers would call to her and ask if she could help them pray.
This was Elder Brady's last staff meeting as he goes home next Wednesday. He is such a fine missionary and has been a really good AP. You can just tell how much Pres Hansen loves and appreciated Elder Brady's service. We will all miss him a lot.
P-day on Saturday was good. It is nice to get our apartment in order and shopping done so we don't have to worry about it during the week. In the evening we had Elder's Workman, Lamoure, Lopez, and Hill over for dinner. They live close to the office so we see them often. Good young men who really work hard to do the right thing and whatever is asked of them. It is such a blessing for us to serve and associate with all the missionaries both young and "old".
Sunday the senior missionaries loaded in the van and we went down to the Melbourne Ward. Elder and Sister Child, who were in the mission office and then served as proselyting missionaries in that ward, were speaking and reporting on their mission. They live in the north Houston area. This was their 3rd full time mission. Great people who have had a real impact on those of us who have known them. The senior missionaries in the apartment complex came over for cake this evening. We always look for an excuse to get together.
We love our time here. It is such a blessing to be serving here at this time and place. We have been so blessed. We are truly living the dream. We pray for you all every day and your families. Lord bless you,
Love Mom and Dad
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