It is hard to believe how fast each week slips by. We have had another wonderful week in the mission field and will be eternally grateful for this experience.
Monday took us to the main employment office located by the mission office. It takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 70 minutes to get there from our apartment. The ride on Monday was good not much traffic. It was a quiet day, we had our weekly staff meeting and discussed little problems we are experiencing with the new website. We each received our assignment for the Christmas lunch that will be next Monday with all those who work in the bishop's storehouse and peanut butter factory. Sister Lish returns from Idaho (her sister's funeral) tonight, she has been missed.
It rained a lot on Tuesday, in fact we got wet on our early morning run. The furnace at the Bering Building is having problems so no heat in the part of the building where our office is. The chapel was warm so we opened the doors hoping some of the warmth would come down the short hallway. When our hands got too cold we would sit in the chapel to thaw out for a few minutes. A nonmember family came for help in the late afternoon. The missionaries are teaching them. They have a new baby and a three year old. He spoke pretty good English but his wife did not. We helped them on the computer with restaurant jobs and phone numbers and addresses. He has done construction work and we found a job lead for that type of work that he will call about tomorrow. A very nice family and they so appreciated our help. We told them to come back and use the computer if they needed to since they did not have one at home. If I was wealthy and had a business I would like to hire him and the many others just like him that we have met. Our side walk outside of our apartment was flooded by the time we returned at 9:30 pm so it was another one of those times of walking through ankle deep water to get home - another missionary memory for us!
On Wednesday it was very cold at the church. We usually take a lunch but today we left for a bit so we could go someplace a have a warm bowl of soup. A church maintenance man came to fix the heating problem but had to call the contractor because he could not figure what was wrong. A member came in for employment help. He wants to go to the Middle East to work. He has friends who are working there and "making lots of money". Steven told him that his best chance of getting a job over seas would be to contact his friends and get information from them of job opportunities. He plans to come to the career workshop next week. We left at about 4:30pm because it was so cold. I never thought in September that Texas could get this cold.
Broadway center on Thursday. For the first 45 minutes Elder Walker does his normal routine in this building of trying to hookup/get the Internet to work and I busy myself with a vacuum and restock toilet paper and towels in the lady's restroom. This building is well used by several Spanish units and we enjoy our day serving here, just wish that we spoke Spanish. We spent the day on the phone trying to reach our candidates and sending emails. Elder Cameron and Elder Cole (they live in our apt. complex) stopped by at about 9:00pm with some pants that need to be repaired. I am so thankful to be able to help in this way. They are such fine Elders. I love to be around all the missionaries and so thankful for this blessing in our life to be called on a mission; for the bounties of life that we have been blessed with that allow us to be able to serve.
Another cold day at the center (56 degrees in the office!) . The contractor got the furnace working about 3pm so we were thankful for him and his skills. It snowed
today in Houston! That was quite an event, it didn't last long but the car was covered. A member came to practice the piano and stopped by to visit with us about a job. He has a limo business but right now it is a slow time for him so he is looking (kind of) for something to supplement his income. He says his passion is piano and would like to play at weddings or fancy hotels. We had him fill out a form for us. When we left the office at 5pm we thought that we would have a crazy ride home in the traffic but was pleasantly surprised to find no traffic! I guess everyone went home early. We did turn the furnace on in our apartment for the first time - so you know it was cold.
Saturday was our clean the apartment, do the laundry and go shopping day. The snow was still on the car early this morning and there was frost on the roofs of the apartment buildings. We read some and I worked on mending the elders slacks.
Today we drove down to the Richmond Ward, which is west and south of Houston. It is a very large ward with over 60 kids age three and under. They have 4 large nurseries and two elders quorums. We were able to visit with one of our engineering candidates. It looks like his contract job may well turn into full time employment after the first of the year. They introduced us in sacrament meeting and several came up after and wanted to talk with us. The high priests gave Steven a few minutes to tell about the services provided by the employment center and after the high priest group leader said the elders need to hear that. He took Steven right down to the Elders quorum (they were combined today) and they gave him ten minutes to talk about employment. He had several express interest in the career workshop and other services we provide. It was a good sabbath day....well almost. I was sitting in Relief Society and looked down at my feet and could not believe my eyes - I had one brown shoe and one black shoe on! Well, I could not hide my feet fast enough. After the meeting Steven came to the Relief Society room to walk out to the car with me and I told him we had to leave now! He said not to worry if anyone said anything just say, "oh these are my favorite shoes and I have another pair just like them at home". Oh well, just old age and another missionary memory!!
We continue to be blessed and are so thankful for this marvelous opportunity in our life.
We love you - may Heavenly Father continue to bless you.
Mom & Dad
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