Sunday, March 7, 2010

30th Post Monday, Mar. 1, Sunday, Mar.7, 2010

Another week has gone by quickly. We feel much more settled in our new apartment, more empty boxes so that is a good sign. This apartment is much newer and modern with high ceilings and lots of windows so it is very bright. It is fun to live close to the other senior missionaries in our mission. It was another very busy week trying to figure out what we are supposed to be doing and how to accomplish it. Being in the office, on the computer, answering the phone and questions I am way out of my comfort zone. Every day this week we have been at the office until after 5pm and one day it was 6pm. Elder Walker has spent most every day this week doing apartment inspections so he is gone most of the day. Both of us just continue to work right through lunch. Some days I am so overwhelmed with all there is to learn and what is going on I feel like "Lucy" in the I Love Lucy Chocolate Factory episode. Those who have seen this particular show will remember Lucy and how she was trying to keep up with the chocolates - well that is how I look! Elder Walker has had quite a week getting familiar with more apartments and their locations. Needless to say we go home exhausted and that is a great feeling!
Friday as we left work, the senior missionaries decided to go to Chedders to eat dinner. The 7 of us had a good visit and dinner together (Elder & Sister Chesnut, Sisters Young, Billingsley, Lish, and the Walkers). We do have a fun time together.

Saturday the Sisters all went shopping together. We went to a member's home who makes quilts. She has five or six regular sewing machines, a $7,000 embroidery machine and a $10,000 long arm quilting machine. She has quite the set up with lots of projects in the making. In her spare time she makes jewelry. It was a fun outing and I learned how to make a pillowcase. She sells "Texas" quilts so I might have to have one of those before we leave. In the evening Sister Billingsley and Sister Young invited us all over to their place for ice cream and home made cinnamon rolls. We had a good visit together, it is fun to be close to the other senior missionaries. Elder Walker went to buy a modem today for the computer Internet and turn the rental back to Comcast. Well, he worked all afternoon and still it is not working. So we have no Internet at the apartment.

Today was our fist time attending the Old Oaks Ward. The church house is right next to the bishop's storehouse and welfare offices and next to the mission office. This is the closest we have ever lived to a church building our whole married life.
We are so thankful for each one of our children and grandchildren, they are such a blessing in our lives. I put a small picture of little Renae on the side of my computer in the office. It was the picture that Shawn had sent when she was just a few minutes old. Anyway, President Hansen (our mission president) seen it and asked about it, I told him that it was our newest grandchild. His comment was "she is a beautiful tangable blessing". We are so thankful for little Brayden and Renae and we can't wait to hold them. We have great children with wonderful spouses and grandchildren who are our pride and joy. We are thankful that Debbie and Truman are feeling better, our prayers are with them and their family.
Love to all,
Mom and Dad
(even in Cypress Lake Apartments there are Eagles fans)

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